01 December 2011

Artist Interview: Laura Manfre

You'll remember the adorable bonne maman paintings post from a couple weeks ago. The artist , Laura Manfre, agreed to let us peek into her world. So cool!

How about a little background? Where are you from? What did you study?

My name's Laura, I am 22 and I come from France. I'm now living in Norwich, UK.
My studies...? I'd been a law student for a while... It didn't make me happy at all, so I abandoned and started learning drawing and painting techniques.

Where do you find inspiration?

I'm inspired by everything colorful, vintage, kitsch and most of the time food related. I love food, I love packaging... I especially love to find crazy items... Did you know that you can buy a pancake spray?

Where do you do most of your work? In a studio, at your kitchen table?

I work everywhere I can! I don't have a studio so... there are papers, pencils and paints everywhere! I'm very messy... 

What's your favorite project that you have done so far?

I'm currently working on some Blade Runner illustrations. I'm so amazed by this movie... I'm hoping to finish it very soon.

When did you start drawing?

I've always been drawing! I remember being a kid and bringing with me a pen and a sketchbook everywhere I would go! I haven't stop since.

What do you like most about living in England?

My boyfriend! Hehe! He's the reason why I'm here! But I must say I really enjoy living in England, people are so nice and respectful... I don't feel judged because I'm an "artist". Here, you can be as eccentric as you want, no one will look at you strangely!

What's the hardest thing about being an expatriate?

The hardest thing is being so far from my family! I miss them... 

I wanted to ask a question about traveling since you lived in Italy. Do you get to travel often? How did you decide on Italy? Will you go back?

I'm used to travel as my dad works for the Army. I moved a lot... From France to Reunion Island... And more recently Rome! It's such a beautiful city... Not long ago I made some illustrations about it! I'm hoping to go back one day!

What artists inspire you?

Illustration wise I'm a big fan of Mary Blair (her Alice in Wonderland artwork is just amazing... I love the way she uses colors!) and Art Seiden! 
I really love American painters like James Rosenquist, Wayne Thiebaud, John Alcorn, Austin Briggs... 

What projects are you working on currently?

I'm working on some illustrations for a book which will be published in France! It's all about D.I.Ys!

Where can we find your work? 

Anything else you want to add?

Just a big Merci to you for this lovely interview!

Thank you, Laura! I'm so glad you agreed to an interview. You are a delightful artist and it has been so nice getting to know you through your work.  I wish you all the best and can't wait to see more of your wonderful illustrations.  


  1. That's my sister! I am so proud of her, it's always amazing to read her in interviews!


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